9th Grade


WRT’s clergy, professional staff and lay leaders continue to collaborate to revisit and reinvigorate all WRTeen programming and opportunities on our campus and beyond.

Welcome to the WRTeen Passport

Designed to maximize choice and flexibility of schedule,
the WRTeen Passport is centered around leadership, learning and social action: We are striving to meet each teen where they are. Offerings include, but are not limited to:

  • The Table (for 8th-9th Graders) 
    These sessions will include dinner and registration in JLL is required to participate.

    • September 11
    • October 16, 23
    • November 20
    • December 18
    • January 8
    • February 5
    • March 5
    • April 2, 23
    • May 14
  • “Jew” York City (for 8th-9th Graders)
    Each of these programs are a stand alone event. Sign up for one or all!

    • Dates to be determined
  • Madrichim Intensive Training (8th-9th Grade)
    Developed as an opportunity for teen leadership, our Madrichim (student leaders) support and inspire the children in the lower grades of the JLL. Multiple points of entry exist for this cohort of student leaders, from weekly teaching opportunities to monthly mentoring, and dreaming up new ways to share your talents with others.

    • Dates to be determined

The WRTeen Passport has multiple avenues of engagement for every type of teen. Students can choose to commit to Confirmation and/or engage in a myriad of other learning experiences.

  • Teen Travel
    9th Grade travel includes opportunities for select local day trips.
  • Social Action 
    Monthly social action opportunities (mostly on Sundays) will allow for programming with our WRT community and community partners, such as J-Teen, BBYO and more. Programming will be both on and off the WRT campus.
  • Expanded Madrichim Program 
    Our wonderful Madrichim (student leaders) program offers multiple points of entry, from weekly teaching opportunities to monthly mentoring, and dreaming up new ways to share your talents with others. Madrichim also meet once a month to share and learn together.
  • Leadership Council
    Developed as an opportunity for teen leadership, 9th Graders are invited to work together to plan three (3) events throughout the year – (a) a Teen Shabbat/Havdalah, (b) a social event and (c) one social action project. Students become a part of WRTeen Leadership Group (9th-12th Grade).
  • BBYO Partnership 
    Hudson Valley Region BBYO provides exciting opportunities for Jewish teens to connect with one another, make a difference, celebrate their Jewish heritage, and travel the world together.Teens gather every other week on our WRT campus to take part in teen-created and teen-led programming. More information can be found at https://bbyo.org/bbyo-near-you/regions/hudson-valley-region.

Periodic Wednesdays from 7:00pm – 8:15pm  PLUS travel opportunities (to be announced).