Madrichim: Student Leaders

Do you have a special memory of a teenager who made you feel welcomed and connected you to Judaism?

Becoming a Madrich or Madricha (student leader) is your chance to be that person for someone else. Our Madrichim program inspire and support the youngest JLL learners. If you have a few hours to share, you could make a difference in our K-5 learners’ lives and the wider WRT community, while building your own leadership skills. Madrichim opportunities include:

  • Working weekly in classrooms with children of all ages and subjects of all kinds, either on weekends or on weekdays. Madrichim can assist our teachers, work with small groups, and help with art projects.
  • Bringing a special talent and/or interest to the JLL. We can set up a short-term option based on your gifts and talents!
  • Meeting once a month on Wednesday evenings to share and learn together!

If you have a few hours to share, you could make a difference in our K-5 Grade learners’ lives and the wider WRT community, while building your own leadership skills.

For more information, please email Ryan Murace.